What could be more fun than ‘jamming’ with a bunch of mates? How about jamming with a whole lot more friends? and that is exactly what the Coolum Men’s Shed plans to do by way of their ‘ShedMusic’ festival.
Recognising the link between making music and the health benefits for older men, the Coolum Men’s Shed, in partnership with the Coolum-Peregian RSL club will be staging a one-day Sunshine Coast ‘ShedMusic’ Festival on Saturday, July 13 all in an effort to raise awareness about men’s health.
The men’s shed movement has long been associated with fostering men’s health by way of activities and community engagement, and Bruce Uhlhorn from Coolum Men’s Shed said the festival was all about “mates making music”.
“This has never been done before and the idea was all about giving musicians, of which there are many in the men’s shed, an opportunity to perform and in doing so raise money and awareness of men’s health.”
The festival will feature musicians from many sheds including Buderim, Maroochy, Mooloolah, Noosa, South Brisbane and of course, Coolum and entry to the family-friendly event will be by donation.
Coolum Men’s Shed musicians Bob Barford and Ian Goater came up with the idea of the festival and both are active musicians themselves.
Retired GP Ian stated that the research is positive around the benefits of making music and that it helps ones mental and physical health.
Ian takes a healthy dose of his own medicine by convening the Shed Jazz group at Coolum Men’s Shed as well as regularly performing all around the Sunny Coast with his Jazz trio Coasters.
Fellow retiree, Bob believes that music and performing keep him young and Bob has enjoyed a lifetime of performing throughout Australia and overseas. As a full-time musician in Alice Springs for many
years, Bob entertained a wide variety of visitors and locals within the town and out in the bush.
Bob now lives on the Sunny Coast and like Ian, keeps young by remaining active in the local music scene.
ShedMusic will see Men’s Shed musicians and music groups from all around the Sunshine Coast getting together at the Coolum-Peregian RSL to celebrate Mates Making Music. It will be a big and full day with performing groups from all around the Sunshine Coast showcasing their musicianship across a wide range of music genres – from classic rock to country to folk to jazz and even choirs!
As a special treat, legendary song and danceman Mike McClellan will perform. Mike is a Sunshine Coast local and has been long regarded as one of the finest singer-songwriter guitarists that Australia has ever produced.
And if the plethora of music was not enough, the day will also feature workshops, food and of course a full bar.
Putting on events does not come cheaply and so far, the Coolum Men’s Shed has been fortunate to receive grants from local businesses and Council which will help put the event on and further spread the message about men’s health. If you would like to help out, please get in touch with Bob (0407 895 011) or Ian (0428 598 465).