Letters to the editor 02/03/2022

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Dear editor,

In 1975, the United Nations declared March 8th as International Women’s Day to celebrate the contributions and accomplishments of women and girls in societies around the world.

The UN’s theme this year is “Changing Climates – Equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”.

While Queensland’s theme is “Keep Making Noise”. Grace Tame’s rallying cry when she was announced as Australian of the Year 2021, and what a year it turned out to be.

After Ms Tame made her speech, more women were empowered to speak up about their experiences of sexual assault, bullying and harassment; from political staffers, like Brittany Higgins and Rachel Miller to powerful women, such as MP Julia Banks and Aust Post CEO Christine Holgate.

There is still plenty to be done, in the home and in the workplace. Starting with Parliament House would set the standards for the nation. The Morrison government needs to implement all 56 recommendations of the Respect@Work Report, not the measly six so far.

All those women standing up and telling their stories have built a momentum for change in our society, so that women and girls are treated as equals. They have stood up and made some noise.

Robyn Deane,

Bli Bli.



Dear editor,

Sunshine Coast Council is seeking community consultation in planning for future growth. It seems too little, too late and hypocritical, with the present scenario of congested, rapid residential and commercial development devoid of consultation.

Regions relying on historical road networks are suffering traffic delays, due to unrealistic residential growth consented by council. The rates from perpetual residential expansion are a goldmine for a council, more intent on approvals than on how the present road network is coping. Peak hour along our many suburban roads is a nightmare of congestion delays. 

Time means nothing to a council culture of consenting to more and more development, squeezed into already over-populated communities. Many local arterial roads have little room for expansion, despite approved, additional residential developments dependent on these same roads.

Realistically, we need alternative routes in and out of these new residential areas. New roads with new developments make sense, considering the financial windfall for council. That makes moving here more attractive for our laid-back lifestyle. The stress of moving around here has to be factored into any plan.

E. Rowe,




Dear editor,

Mayor Jamieson’s comments (CNSA 16/2/22) regarding community input into the new planning scheme are disconnected from the facts.   

The model for the current consultation was produced prior to the Supreme Court decision. It contains all the failed structures, assumptions and biases the SCC mistakenly understood to be acceptable and lawful.    

As recently as three weeks ago Mayor Jamieson and his councillors were still defending that failed model in court. If councillors think more of the same is good enough, they are living in an alternative reality.  

The complete lack of accountability in the SCC screams out for an independent inquiry. How did they get it so wrong for so long?   

K Fisher, 

Yaroomba Beach  



Dear editor,

I just wanted to thank the organisers of Salty Saturdays for a great community event. I have been twice already and the community is really getting behind it. Lovely stalls, great food, soothing background music, fabulous community feel, families having a great time, and me running into friends new and old and having awesome catchups/conversations. Well done to the organisers.

Megan Knight,

Coolum Beach.



Dear editor,

Every time I pass Mr Palmer’s place on my way to Coolum, I admire and reflect on the huge indigenous scar tree on his property in Tanah St West, 100 metres from the traffic lights on David Low way.

I think about the significance of this tree to invoke thoughts of the Aboriginal Australians and ways of the past.

Sekisui has an almost pristine parcel of former, indigenous land.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Sekisui and the council would value and preserve this as a tribute and reminder of our past instead of belittling our heritage by building little boxes as is threatened?

Nola Weiss,

Mt Coolum.


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