THE AUSTRALASIAN Country Music Hall of Fame which is located at 24 Steggalls Road Yandina will be holding a concert on Sunday, April 21 from 12 noon and the entire community are invited to attend. This event will see musician Billy Guy onstage playing the songs that everyone knows and loves. With contagious energy and a great repertoire of songs, this will be a great showcase of music all backed up by the house band. The afternoon of music will also have on offer raffles and door prizes as well as free tea and coffee and people can BYO their own lunch or afternoon tea. Entry for the concert is just $8 for members, $10 for guests and the ACMA is a proud not-for-profit organisation that put its funds back into the upkeep of the hall and providing music for the community. Further enquiries can be made by phoning 0437 191004.