ONE OF the most anticipated lunches held each year on the Coolum social calendar is the annual Sportsman’s Lunch which again was a sell-out and was hosted at the Coolum Beach Hotel on Friday, June 23.
As always, the two-course lunch featured guests of honour from the sporting world.
With 306 games to his name three-time Premiership player Alastair Lynch from the Brisbane Lions and formerly the Fitzroy Lions was joined by NRL legend Petero Civoniceva who with 309 games under his belt with the Brisbane Broncos and Penrith Panthers is also a two-time premiership player.
Master of Ceremonies Tony Durkin informally interviewed the two elite sportsmen, with the men sharing stories from their days as professional athletes to the full house of eager sports fans.

The Coolum Lions were in attendance with Lion Doug Alford stating it was a great day for the 113 football fans who were in attendance.
“The special guests were extremely entertaining with their inspiring sporting careers and the setbacks they had to overcome to become football legends.”
The funds raised from the lunch will be distributed to the Coolum Men’s Shed and Coolum Lions which they will in turn use to fund their charity work.
Major sponsors included Coolum Beach Mitre 10, Peter Andrew Real Estate, Coolum Beach Hotel, Coolum Charcoal Chicken and Ray Barber Solicitor.