Skills and thrills at new Coolum State School bike course

Principal Anthony Ryan (centre) with students from both Coolum State School and High School at the official opening of the new skills-based bike course at Coolum State School. Photo: Contributed  

A FUN new addition to Coolum State School was officially opened recently with the skills-based bike course which has been eagerly awaited by the school community and enjoyed by the kids from the get-go!  

School staff said It was wonderful to be able to officially cut the white ribbon and ‘open’ the course with both Coolum Primary and High School Principals riding the course on the day as well as Councillor Maria Suarez.  

The new addition to the school is the product of what started as an idea from the students back in 2021 and it was brought to life with the support of the P&C Executive, parents and principal Anthony Ryan. 

With assistance from Jason Collett of Trailworx, students brainstormed with Mr Ryan to come up with an exciting design that incorporates a range of great ideas.  

Sunshine Coast Council were approached to help the school make the course happen and thankfully they received great support from Councillor Maria Suarez in getting all the planning requirements through.  

Money was needed to make this happen, and that’s where the P&C Executive and parents stepped up.  The Coolum Carnival is a huge annual event that is hosted by the P&C and well attended by the local community. Proceeds from the evening all go back into the school and it was profits from the 2021 Carnival that funded the bike trail. 

It was with great pleasure that the school invited back past students who played an integral role in the planning of the track to enjoy seeing the fruits of their labour come to life. Now students at Coolum High School, it was great to have Smith, Callum and Cory along with Principal, Troy Ascott and teacher Ryan Stewart join in for the opening.  

The school also welcomed Councillor Maria Suarez to officially open the track, and Councillor Suarez talked about the plans in the pipeline to build another bike track in Coolum for the use of the whole Coolum community. Other guests at the official launch included Jason Collett from Trailworx and representatives from the P&C Executive.  

This project which had been in the planning and construction for several years is already a huge asset to the school community. It is such a healthy and fun activity for the students to be able to enjoy.  

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