Council seeking community input for planning reference group

would you like to have a direct say on the future of the sunshine coast? Then apply for one of the positions on the Sunshine Coast Council’s Community Reference Group (CRG), which will support the development of the new Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme.

The group will play an important role in shaping community engagement opportunities as council prepares its new planning scheme, which is expected to be completed in 2024.

A planning scheme is a regulatory document used to guide and manage future growth and development within our local government area.

Sunshine Coast Council Mayor Mark Jamieson said establishing a CRG was an important step to informing the preparation of a new planning scheme.

“The main purpose of the CRG will be to provide input and guidance to council about the best ways to engage with the community during preparation of the new planning scheme,” Mayor Jamieson said. 

“I made an election commitment last year that I would be proposing that council establish a CRG to inform the community engagement and participation process associated with the development of the new planning scheme and I am delighted that council has agreed to proceed down this path.”

Mayor Jamieson said it was important to get input from a diverse range of community voices and ensure that everyone had an opportunity to be heard during this important task.

“Our council wants our community to play a meaningful role in the preparation of the new planning scheme,” Mayor Jamieson said.

“Community engagement is the foundation of good decision-making and is mutually beneficial to the community and council when this is done well.”

Mayor Jamieson said the CRG would consist of an independent chair and up to 10 community members.

“The community members are intended to represent a range of interests and demographics to ensure we form a group that is representative and inclusive of our diverse Sunshine Coast population,” Mayor Jamieson said.  

“We want to see people from a wide variety of interests and professions register their interest to join our CRG, such as the education, business and industry sectors, disability advocacy groups, pastoral groups as well as youth, older residents and representatives of our Traditional Owners and Descendants of South Sea Islanders.

“We want a Community Reference Group that draws on local knowledge and enhances the community voice in shaping our planning scheme as it develops.

“The CRG will meet up to three times before preliminary consultation on the new planning scheme starts with the community.

“Forming a CRG is a tried and tested approach – as we saw with the Biosphere nomination and the development of the Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy – and council anticipates significant outcomes can be realised through this initiative.”

Visit council’s New Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme Project webpage ( for details and to download an Expression of Interest pack. 

Expressions of interest are due by 4.30pm on Friday June 18, 2021.

Members for the CRG will be selected using an advisory panel in accordance with the CRG Terms of Reference.

Visit council’s website to subscribe to receive updates on the new Planning Scheme project. 

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