A short fall in NDIS funding meant that the Cunningham family simply did not have the resources to fund the $132,000 build, however the Coolum community in true giving style stepped up and came to the aid of the family. Vince D’Abaco a retired builder who also has a passion for helping others took up the challenge with gusto, helping to raise funds, organising contractors and suppliers as well as managing the volunteers during the construction.
When the Coolum Lions heard about the project they immediately donated $2,000 towards the project and Lion Don Knopke took a leading role in helping with the construction and many other Coolum Lions also assisted with construction. Lion Don Knopke applied to the Lions District 201-Q4 Sight, Health and Wellness fund and received approval within 48 hours for an additional $5,000 towards the project.
Numerous other organisations donated money, supplies and tradies and volunteers donated their labour to help to make this project a reality. The project commenced in mid March of this year and is anticipated to be completed mid June 2021.
Rex and Linda Cunningham have been overwhelmed by the generosity and support of locals and so grateful to all involved. With this community support, the actual cost for the project was substantially less than the original quote of $132,000.
Those involved would like to publicly thank the following trades and services for their help-
*Rick Hatherall Electrical – provided free labour to install and rewire the unit.
*Rally for a Cause/Dunga Derby – provided funds to pay for the kitchen and bench tops.
*Cranbourne Premix – supplied all of the concrete at no cost (Boral concrete gave a special discount to them to allow for this).
*Carpet Call – supplied the flooring at cost price.
*The major stakeholder, who wishes to remain anonymous, donated substantial funds to get the project up and running.
*Coolum Lions who have been involved in supporting the local community for over 40 years. If you would like to be a part of the team, please call Lion Don Knopke on 0427 061466