AFTER many years of back and forth in the courts the developer and owner of a large parcel of land at Yaroomba Beach have announced that they intend to start construction of a gated residential community and list properties for sale by mid-year.
In a statement that was released last week, a spokesperson for the Dennis Family Corporation (DFC) stated that the group were excited to finally start building on the 18.5-hectare site.
“The Beachside community is a premium gated residential estate on the Sunshine Coast and the Dennis Family Corporation will build upon this quality in the expansion of the new precincts under the approved masterplan.”
The new precincts will be built under the same masterplan approval that created the Whitehaven, Belle Mare and Cala Luna Beachside precincts.
The gated community will feature detached houses, some terrace homes, and apartments at a later stage, in line with the existing approval over the site and subject to market conditions.
The DFC is anticipating a 2024 mid-year release to market of the first new precinct which will expand the existing Beachside gated community.
“After fencing the site and receiving approval from Sunshine Coast Regional Council, contractors will soon begin work on clearing in preparation for early works.
“This will involve clearing vegetation, earthworks and importing fill to meet stormwater and flood requirements.”
A 20-metre-wide vegetation buffer will be retained along David Low Way in line with a vegetation covenant on the site.
“A central green spine will be at the heart of the development, featuring new communal facilities for all future and existing Beachside residents to enjoy.

“The central lake will be enhanced as part of the development, with landscaped verges added, a pathway and a park between the head of the lake and the northern pathway to the Yaroomba Meeting Place.”
Breaking ground will mark the start of a new chapter for the site.
“After a hiatus on site of more than 10 years, Dennis Family Corporation is excited to start delivering the balance of the Beachside community first approved in 2007.”