Letters to the editor 25/01/23

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Letters to the editor 25/01/23 


Dear editor, 

Some good news at last! Federal Treasury analysis now forecasts wholesale electricity prices should rise by less than half of earlier predictions. The Energy Minister Chris Bowen’s temporary 12-month price cap on gas and coal is having an impact already. 

Queensland is the biggest winner as prices are likely to be 44 per cent lower than predicted.  

After nine years of indecision on energy policy by the previous government, and now with global uncertainties because of the Ukraine/Russia war, the Labor government is putting in place a mandatory code of conduct to stop the big power corporations from gouging exorbitant profits. 

We produce far more gas than we need, and the gas corporations are cashing in on international prices while we are still paying top dollar. 

Their shareholders may be happy, but every day Australians are hurting, fortunately the Albanese government is working on solutions to lessen the rising cost of living. 

Robyn Deane,  

Bli Bli.  



Dear editor, 

Who have so little pride in our indigenous culture that they are asleep and won’t hear their fellow citizens’ “Voice”?  Are they really only awakened by the sound of their own voice? Fair dinkum? 

Margaret Wilkie,  

Peregian Beach. 



Dear editor,  

This February is REDFEB, heart awareness month. In addition to encouraging people to wear red and donate, Heart Research Australia is raising awareness about the underdiagnosis and undertreatment of women with heart disease. 

Heart disease is not just a man’s disease. Globally, it is the number one killer of women, and we’ve found over recent years that women are doing worse after their heart attacks, they’re more likely to have another heart attack, and more likely to die or have heart failure than men within the five years following their heart attack. 

Time is critical and a huge issue with women is the delay to treatment. Women go to hospital later after symptoms start, which reduces the window of opportunity for effective treatment and increases the risk of complications and damage to their heart. Women also tend to develop symptoms of heart disease at a much later stage of the illness than men and their symptoms are often vaguer. Some feel extremely tired or short of breath. Other atypical symptoms include nausea and abdominal, neck, and shoulder pain.  

It is important for women to know that early menopause, inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, and complications during pregnancy – such as pre-eclampsia, hypertension, and gestational diabetes – are all important risk factors for women. So, if you are a woman over 45* please have a heart health check with your GP and discuss your obstetric history with them if you have had children. This enables proactive prevention to be taken to reduce risk. (*Over 35 for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples). 

Heart Research Australia aims to reduce the devastating impact heart disease has on families and the community by supporting world-class and emerging researchers to conduct ground-breaking research into the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of heart disease. For more information or to donate, please visit www.heartresearch.com.au 

On behalf of the thousands of Australians impacted by heart disease every year, thank you for your support.  

Nicci Dent, 

CEO, Heart Research Australia.  



Dear editor, 

After just having had a Translink fare increase of 3% in July 2022 on public transport in Queensland, six months later, another 3% increase was imposed in line with the increased Consumer Price Index, on 9 January 2023, just in time for return to work and school! So, every January, expect a fare increase in line with the C.P.I.! There is no off-peak or bonus free rides for concession card holders, as in almost all states. It adds to the high cost of living in Queensland. 

This is hypocrisy, considering Translink and the Queensland State Government have done nothing to stop the fare evasion epidemic spreading in S.E. Queensland. Those who use go-cards and buy tickets are subsidising public transport in Queensland. Taxpayers are taken for a ride, while the State Government is desperate for income for 2032. Their increased fares never affect those who board buses and trains without paying. Having asked one Sunshine Coast bus driver recently, as to when free rides on public transport will cease, he said it will continue.  

Due to inaction by Translink who demand paying commuters pay more, fare evaders continue to ride free, with no C.P.I. increase imposed on them, no deterrents of significance and no consequences. Why is this allowed to continue with impunity? Every bus driver must contend with people boarding without go-cards, go-cards without credit, or no tickets. They are allowed on the bus, with drivers’ hands tied by Translink rules. No-one is refused a ride and the fare evaders, particularly on school holidays, exploit it!  

All the while, paying passengers wonder how this can be fair, while their own credit diminishes with each trip. It is theft with the consent of a remorseless State Government. This is immoral, as well as criminal. What has the State Government taught its people about paying their way in life? Lead by example. 

E. Rowe, 



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