Letters to the editor 12/10/22

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Dear editor,   

As a new resident to Coolum Beach, I am disappointed by the high level of refuse in the street and particularly outside McDonalds Coolum. 

On my regular walks I often observe the litter outside McDonalds, and I stop to pick up paper straw wrappers and food packaging and push this into already full bins. It contrasts starkly to the natural and beautiful surrounds of our community. 

I have spoken with management at McDonalds, who are aware of the problem, but indicated they find it difficult to manage. Really? 

My concern is the abundance of waste that makes its way to the dunes, beach, and nature habitats. It is a sad reflection on the residents of our community and their lack of respect for it. 

I am writing to encourage motivation within our community to address this concerning issue and acknowledge the responsibility of consumers and their families to properly dispose of their waste. 

McDonalds should equally take this issue seriously as it is a reflection on their business. I ask is the outside dining area not the responsibility of the business to maintain? I do not observe the same filthy mess inside the premises, as outside. 

Obviously, this would be a health and safety issue for staff and patrons. Coolum Beach is an appealing tourist destination and should have pride in how it presents to the wider community and itself. 

Nicole White, 

Coolum Beach.   



Dear Editor, 

Recently Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk announced her government’s plans for a brighter sustainable future. Already Queensland leads the nation with rooftop solar panels, proving that we accept that climate change is real and want cleaner energy despite what the denialists still say. 

The Labor government’s plans centre on secure jobs and communities, supporting households and businesses with affordable energy initiatives and building a clean, competitive energy system. The government is particularly focused on job creation in the regions. 

Queensland will take advantage of the clean energy economy by joining the global transition to clean energy sources. By 2035, energy supplies are to be sourced from renewables, hydrogen and pumped hydro schemes enabling coal-fired power stations to be phased out, with all publicly owned stations to be operating as clean energy hubs. 

The plan represents a $62 billion investment in clean energy, good jobs, and clean power.  

Now that is a better future for our children and grandchildren to look forward to. 

Robyn Deane,  

Bli Bli.  



Dear Editor, 

Perhaps the intellectuals of the Flat Earth Institute are correct? The sun’s magnetic field magnetises birds and insects attracting them to the sun where they are sizzled, hence the loss of biodiversity? This magnetic field is in direct proportion to the magnetised marine sediments thus drawing the ocean downwards, lowering sea levels and turning its blue pigments to CO2? Just asking. 

Margaret Wilkie, 

Peregian Beach. 



Dear Editor,  

Every October, the debate over daylight saving raises the question of the one-hour time discrepancy between Queensland, which declined in 1992 to participate in daylight saving and other states, (except Western Australia), which are now one hour ahead. 

Having more natural sunlight than the southern states during daytime hours, especially further north – in North Queensland, which is near the Equator, divides opinion for our state. Frustrated Queensland businesses have this dilemma each year, faced with interstate transactions and communications at odds with our clocks, especially in our capital.  

It is the mayors who are leading the vanguard promoting change, while it’s been 30 years since the last decision to reject daylight saving here. Our early Springtime sunrises and casual lifestyle suit us, without longer daylight hours at the end of the day. No one likes getting up in the dark to start the day. We are early risers. 

We prefer early light, to enjoy our early morning routines of exercise, such as surfing and walking, before our workday begins. Longer, hot sunny nights do not suit our lifestyle. Our hotter weather is better over by evening time. We live here to appropriate early, the best weather to start our days.  

While many southerners relocate to our state, mainly for the better weather and lifestyle, it signifies that we prefer our daylight to be extended at the early end. With only 24 hours each day, to fully appreciate the best of each day, getting up early in sunlight avoids the heat. 

For generations, the clocks in our eastern states aligned. It was not Queensland that changed the game. Our residents have resisted being dictated to by the game-changers. With the historical 1992 decision, Queenslanders have spoken. Time will tell. 

E. Rowe, 



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