Be sure to check Roads Hub before starting your Sunshine Coast journey. Photo: Contributed
Did you know Sunshine Coast Council offers a free online tool to help residents and visitors better navigate local roads?
Roads Hub – roads.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au – is a free online mapping tool created to minimise road user frustration and improve road safety by helping users plan ahead and be aware of road works or other events which may impact traffic.
Service Excellence Portfolio Councillor Winston Johnston said taking the time to check Roads Hub before starting your journey was quick and easy.
“With a few simple clicks you can see road improvement works council is delivering, as well those being carried out by the Queensland Government’s Department of Transport and Main Roads,” Cr Johnston said.
“Visiting Roads Hub can save you time and ensure you know where you might encounter delays, giving you the option to consider leaving earlier or plan to take an alternative route.
“We appreciate how inconvenient road works can be while we deliver important improvements, so we’ve created this tool to help minimise those impacts while our staff and contractors deliver crucial road upgrades.”
Fellow Service Excellence Portfolio Councillor Christian Dickson said council’s top priority was to keep all road users safe.
“This includes motorists, pedestrians, cyclists and our road workers,” Cr Dickson said.
“We want to ensure our community is aware of any changed conditions they may encounter on the roads and Roads Hub alerts you to road closures, crashes, hazards, flooding, road works, congestion and special events.
“Consider making Roads Hub part of your regular journey planning and don’t forget if you ever notice potholes or other damage to local roads please let council know.”
You can lodge an eRequest online, chat with a Customer Service Officer using council’s Live Chat, or contact council’s Customer Contact Centre on 5475 7272.
Alternatively, email mail@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au or visit council’s website at www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au.
To report a pothole on state-controlled roads, please contact the Department of Transport and Main Roads on 13 19 40. A list of state-controlled roads across our region is available at www.tmr.qld.gov.au.
Council maintains 2972 kilometres of local roads and bridges throughout the region.