Letters to the Editor 14/02/2024
HECS TAX Dear editor, Is it true that Australian students with HEC debts pay more tax than some large foreign companies? Just asking for taxpayers. Margaret Wilkie, Peregian Beach. ### … Read more »
HECS TAX Dear editor, Is it true that Australian students with HEC debts pay more tax than some large foreign companies? Just asking for taxpayers. Margaret Wilkie, Peregian Beach. ### … Read more »
NATURAL EVENTS Dear editor, Scientific luminaries say that it’s a ‘1 in 100’ year event yet record floods, heatwaves and bushfires have happened many times over the past ten years…. Read more »
NUCLEAR MATHS Dear editor, Did the Federal Opposition’s policy say that nuclear power will triple in Australia? If nuclear power at present is zero, then how will they explain this… Read more »
REFLECTION Dear editor, As another year draws to a close it is time to reflect on what a year it has been. There have been some highs and some lows…. Read more »
ROBODEBT Dear editor, Quote: “Never has so much been done to so many by so few”. Robodebt- Vulnerable people attacked by their own government as a money-raising policy - 450,000 victims… Read more »
VOICE RESULT Dear editor, The result of the referendum though not unexpected, was nevertheless disappointing for the 80% of indigenous population and 35% of residents in the Fairfax electorate who voted… Read more »
VOICE AFTERMATH Dear editor, The referendum of 14 October 2023 will go down in infamy as a report card on Federal Labor’s leadership, its focus, and failures in the 12… Read more »
VOTE YES Dear editor, Voice opponents argue that If you don’t know, you should vote No. Yet the nation as we now know it was built on the initiative and… Read more »
COUNCIL RATE INCREASE Dear editor, We are a retired couple and have a unit at Coolum Beach which we rent out when we and our family are not using it…. Read more »
PRAISE FOR HORIZON FEST Dear editor, I just wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for the amazing chance to see ‘From Rations to Wages to Treaty’. It was an absolutely… Read more »